Area of sailing – Khafji
Contract Duration: 90 days
Candidates must be fully vaccinated against Covid-19
- Chief Officer/SDPO
Wages – 300 USD per day
Required Experience: 24 months on similar types of vessels actual on board in the rank of Chief Officer/SDPO;
Special Requirements: The candidate must hold Chief Officer’s License and DP Full Certificate.
- 2nd Officer/DPO
Wages – 150 USD per day
Required Experience: 12 months on offshore vessels actual on board in the rank of Second Officer/DPO;
Special Requirements: The candidate must hold Second Officer’s License and DP Full Certificate.
- Chief Engineer
Wages – 350 USD per day
Required Experience: 24 months on offshore vessels actual on board in the rank of Chief Engineer;
Special Requirements: The candidate must hold Chief Engineer’s License and DP Maintenance Certificate.
- 2nd Engineer
Wages – 200 USD per day
Required Experience: 24 months on offshore vessels actual on board in the rank of Second Engineer;
Special Requirements: The candidate must hold Second Engineer’s License and DP Maintenance Certificate.
Wages – 250 USD per day
Required Experience: 24 months on offshore vessels actual on board in the rank of ETO;
Special Requirements: The candidate must hold Electro Technical Officer’s License and DP Maintenance Certificate.
Make certain following data is contained in subject of your email: Vacancy code / Rank / Full Name / Nationality / Min Day Rate
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